Tots/Dots/Primary/Little Acro Costumes

Tots, Dots, Primary and Little Acro students are NOT required at the Friday night rehearsal

Ballet Tots (Pre-School)

Pink tutu or Pink ballet outfit, pink ballet shoes WITH ELASTIC. Hair in a bun with silver tinsel (if possible), pink ballet socks or ballet tights. Most wear this in class already and we want them to look lovely and neat.
Boys – see Vicky

Dots (Reception & Yr1)

Ballet: Lilac tutu or lilac ballet outfit, pink ballet shoes WITH ELASTIC. Hair in a bun with silver tinsel, pink ballet socks or ballet tights. 

Ballet will be first, so they can come ready in this. Most wear this in class already and we want them to look lovely and neat.

Tap: Tap shoes, white ankle socks, red sequin dress (£34 – purchased from us) that comes with headdress, hair can stay in a bun but please take the tinsel out.

There may be second hand dresses older students are looking to sell, please see our Facebook group here

Deadline for ordering through us is Monday 2nd December, after this date you’ll have to order directly yourselves here

Primary (Yr2)

Ballet: As for Dots but blue ballet outfit. 

Tap: As for Dots

Little Acro

Perfect Christmas: Black leotard school leotard (please order yourselves) green sequin skirts (£4 – hired from us), bare feet, hair in a bun with silver tinsel. 
Black leotard can be ordered from here

Red dress size chart: